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Volunteer as a Speech or Interview judge!

Regionals Speech/Interview: Saturday, February 1, 2025, 11:15am to 4:15pm (Ashland High School)

States Speech/Interview: Saturday, March 1, 2025, 11:30am to 4:00pm (MIT)

Interview Judges

Sign up here for Regionals! / Sign up here for States!

Regionals: Ashland High School (Saturday, February 1, 2025, 11:15am to 4:15pm)
States: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Saturday, March 1, 2025, 11:15am to 4:30pm)

MassDecathlon would not have such a tremendous impact on thousands of students and teachers across the state without the tireless support and dedication from its volunteers, from Speech and Interview judges to test proctors and runners. We're excited that you're looking into helping us out, and we can't wait to have you aboard!


What does volunteering entail?

Volunteer Opportunities
Position Opportunities
Interview Judge
  • Work with panel of other judges
  • Conduct professional-style interviews with students
  • Meet fascinating young scholars
Speech Judge
  • Work with panel of other judges
  • Listen to and evaluate students performing prepared and impromptu speeches
  • Hear funny and thought-provoking speeches

Why volunteer?


  • Help students develop real-world skills critical for their future
  • Provide students with an avenue for personal growth and stepping beyond their comfort zone
  • Connect with students and hear what's on their minds
  • Utilize your personal and professional skills to give back to the community

How do I volunteer?

  • Click here to sign up for Regionals!
  • Click here to sign up for States!

Is there any training involved?

Your judging session will start off with a training session!

Developed and maintained by Massachusetts Academic Decathlon. Academic Decathlon, United States Academic Decathlon, U.S. Academic Decathlon, USAD, Super Quiz, and the USAD logo are trademarks and service marks of The United States Academic Decathlon Association and are used under license.